Telephone: 01375 659172 Email:

Address: Thurrock Carers Service, 152 Bridge Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6DB
Office Hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Thurrock Carers Service can provide information, advice and support for unpaid carers who support relatives, friends or neighbours who would find it difficult to manage without their help.

Many people don’t see themselves as carers – they might be parents, children, partners, friends or neighbours. A carer can be any age and come from any background or community.

Have you been caring for a few months, several years or on a temporary basis? It’s easy to forget about your own needs when you’re caring for someone else, but it is important to look after yourself.

Caring can be very rewarding, but it also makes demands on your time, your health and your emotions, and can be very tiring. So, taking an occasional break from caring is essential – it gives you the chance to recharge your batteries.

A quick call on 01375 659172 could make the difference to you.

If you are not a carer but you know someone who is, a friend or colleague perhaps, please do pass on this information.

At Thurrock Carers Service we recognise that carers play a vital role in our community, and we will help you to continue caring for as long as you feel able to do so.

We will assist carers to become informed with all relevant information and services in Thurrock, and we help Carers to access services such as:-

  • Carers/Social care Assessments
  • Respite/Outreach
  • Medical resource information
  • Counselling
  • Education/Training Support
  • Employment/Volunteering Support
  • Carers Peer support groups
  • Information on direct payments
  • Carers benefits and welfare forms
  • Lasting power of Attorney
  • Access to social activities

We provide information, advice, practical and emotional support.

Thurrock Carers Service will raise awareness of carers issues and carers needs are the focus of this service.

Our service is informed by your needs.

A copy of our information leaflet can be downloaded here

If you would like to arrange an appointment with a carers facilitator or you would like more information about the service we offer, please contact us using one of the methods below.

Telephone: 01375 659172




Thurrock Carers Service, 152 Bridge Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6DB
Office Hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday